Campus continues to follow CDC COVID guidelines


In a recent COVID-19 update Delta will continue to follow Center of Disease Control (CDC) guidelines despite the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and Cal/OSHA decision to change these guidelines. 

New CDPH guidelines suggest the isolation period for those who tested positive be reduced to 24 hours minimum, and may end if the 24 hours have passed with no fever. A person exposed to COVID-19 should test only if they experience new symptoms, or are at risk of severe disease, according to the guidance.  

The update sent out by Marketing and Communications Director Alex Brietler on Feb. 5 states that “Delta College will still continue to follow federal CDC guidelines recommending that persons with COVID-19 isolate for five days and persons exposed to COVID-19 get tested by day five.” 

Despite the state’s decision to change the guidelines, Delta College COVID-19 Task force met a week prior and came to the decision. 

“Delta College will continue to follow the more stringent CDC guidelines at this time,” stated in the update by Breitler. 

The update also reminds staff that there are home test kits available in the Human Resources office, Admin. 202, Monday through Thursday from 9 to 11 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. There are student at home test kits available at the Delta College Health Center. The nurse triage is also available on campus Monday-Friday 7:30pm to 4:30 p.m. Anyone can contact the nurse triage at  209-888-0480. 

There is also a test-to-treat site located in the Shima building parking lot, provided by The San Joaquin County Public Health Services. Anyone at these sites can get tested for COVID at no costs, and will receive a prescription if tested positive. 

If you have any questions Delta recommends you email