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Introducing Delta College’s Art Club


Delta College’s long-standing Art Club (Alpha Rho Tau) emphasizes the importance of art in students’ lives and connecting with others within the local community through their commitment to art.

“[Since] the 1970s, Alpha Rho Tau, A-R-T Club has existed,” said Angel Mercado, vice president of the Art Club.

The Art Club provides a space for students across all majors to participate in club activities and to enrich the creative mind. From studio art majors to political science majors, all are joined together through their interest in the creative process.

“I would describe the Art Club as a place for art students and non-art students to come together and meet with each other,” said Sophia Torrice, president of the Art Club. “It gets people involved in the arts and notified about local events and local artists as well.”

The Art Club is heavily centered around ceramics since club advisor Shenny Cruces is a ceramic arts professor and houses the Art Club in her classroom.

The club participates in the annual California Conference for the Advancement of Ceramic Arts (CCACA) located in Davis, California where “California schools come together and showcase ceramic artwork,” said Mercado.

“It was so fun,” said Mercado. “Like, having tools out and drilling into the walls and stuff… I remember that day and I was just like, oh yeah, that’s when I realized I loved doing this. I love being able to not just do art, but also help with the process of setting up, taking down and it was so nice.”

From planning casual club meetings to participating in community events, the Art Club expresses its passion for creativity while also contributing to Delta College.

Club Activties
Tools and Glaze
Paddles and Rulers
Wall Art
Completed Button
WIP Dragon
Taylor Horn's Button
Button Making
Close up of buttoning machine
Bisques Upon Shelves

A prominent event that the Art Club holds is an annual bowl sale. All the bowls are handmade by the Art Club and are priced at $10 to help fund the Student Food Pantry on campus– a resource that provides enrolled students and their families with food.

“It gives students an opportunity to buy pieces of artwork,” said Torrice.

Students are the driving force for a lot of decisions made around the club.

“As the President, I’m not the one that calls the shots,” said Torrice. “It’s a group thing, and so we decide what we wanna do.”

Aside from important community events, the Art Club also focuses on team building and smaller activities within the group.

“I think since I’m in ceramics, that’s how I got introduced to it,” said Wally Beckman, a member of the Art Club. “And I just hang out. Honestly, it’s like the main thing that we do.”

The club offers a safe space for creatives and provides an opportunity to meet new people.

Interview with Angel Mercado

“I’ve personally made probably three or four new friends just because of this art club that I wouldn’t have met either because they’re different majors, or I just don’t have classes with them,” said Torrice.

Alongside making new connections, the Art Club not only offers an opportunity to build upon artistic studies, but guide students into taking on bigger roles within their community.

Interview with Sophia Torrice

“I think the biggest takeaway is definitely just… learning the real ins and outs of… how to, like run something,” said Beckman. “And how to be sort of like a leader in your field.”

Interacting with other organizations outside the Art Club has become especially important. Socializing with like-minded people and getting to know other local artists brings a great sense of satisfaction to Mercado.

“Just sort of being open to other people is so important,” said Mercado. “Interacting with your community is just so important. I realize… how much happier it makes me, being able to actually talk to other people…”

The Art Club hopes to achieve more with planning new activities for members.

“We’re also trying to be in the works of including field trips into our yearly goals,” said Torrice.

Scheduling plans for field trips would open more doors for members to explore various galleries and exhibitions. With the proper resources and connections, the Art Club aims to expand their members and create an even bigger community who have a passion for the arts.