Phoenix, Lavender graduation celebrations hosted in April 


At the end of April, two Delta College organizations held their own graduation celebrations, recognizing graduating students and commending those who won awards and scholarships.


On April 29 the Phoenix Project, a group for formerly incarcerated students, had a celebration of graduating students. The formal event included theme decorations and catered dinner.

The presenters included: Dean of Student Services Edward Aguilar, Programs Manager Ana Villegas, and Phoenix Project program specialist Henry Romero. Delta College President/Superintendent Dr. Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson was also present.

Romero is the program specialist of the Phoenix Project. 

“First I’d like to express my gratitude and how grateful I am to be a part of the Phoenix Project. As someone who is formerly incarcerated himself I am completely humble to help lead you guys help lend any advice in any way that may help you in your educational journey,” said Romero to the crowd. “Nights like tonight where we have celebrations recognizing our students’ accomplishments are important for community building within our program but they are also important because it show’s and reflects the hard work and effort that Delta College is doing in Phoenix Project student’s lives.”

At the Phoenix Graduation there were five scholarship students, three award winners and five graduates. 

“We’re incredibly proud of you. I’m so excited to see what is going to happen in your future. It’s a huge huge step and I look forward to hearing your stories,” said Lawrenson to the students. “Anytime that there’s a transition like this there’s a lot of excitement, there’s a lot of reflection, and I would say just shoot high think high think of the many things you can do the fact that you accomplished this goal shows that you can accomplish other goals and just keep on the pathway that you’re on and keep making your own dreams come true. It’s never too late and we’re just so proud of you.”

Primo Bonilla, student worker, scholarship recipient, and the winner of the “Above and Beyond Award” gave the alumni speech.

 “I want you guys to take a moment and look around because we are a community that has nothing to be ashamed of. We’re a community that said you know what my past is not going to define me. We’re a community that says give me an opportunity and I’ll prove to you that I’m not a threat. Give me an opportunity and let me set the bar as high as I can set it and allow me the opportunity to succeed. We’re a community that says we’re gonna leave the past behind, we’re gonna concentrate on the present, and we’re gonna set goals for the future,” said Bonilla.


On April 30, the Pride Center, a group for LGBTIA+ students, had its Lavender Graduation. 

At the Lavender Graduation there were five scholarship students, three award winners, and 15 graduates.

 Isaiah Merriwether was one of the student alumni speakers. 

“Good evening everyone and welcome to San Joaquin Delta College annual Lavender Graduation ceremony. We are here to recognize and celebrate the amazing accomplishments of the LGBTQIA students of Delta College,” Merriweather said.

Program specialists of the Pride Center Jasmin Arroyo thanked the students. 

“As a staff member I had the privilege of witnessing your journey, growths and triumphs during your time here. This event marks a significant milestone in your lives, one you worked tirelessly to achieve,” said Arroyo. “As you step into the world beyond these buildings, remember the lessons you learned, the friendships you made and the challenges you’ve overcome. Take pride in how far you come, but never lose sight of how far you can go because your potential is limitless. Thank you for allowing me to do what I love. It has been an absolute honor serving Delta’s LGBTQ students and seeing how you have grown throughout your journey here. There’s no doubt in my mind that through your bravery you will continue to change the world. Thank you so much.”