Baseball wins regionals


Our Mustangs had another successful season, winning the Big 8 conference for the second year in a row and going 27-13 on the season. 

Game 1 of Regionals occurred on Thursday, May 2 against Taft at 3 p.m. The postseason game was played at Islander Field in Lathrop. 

The Mustangs dominated the game, winning 25-10, picking up 24 hits, and hitting four home runs. 

“It felt like we needed all 25 runs today I mean they were scrappy and it was a day where the wind was howling out, a miserable day to pitch, but our guys had a pretty good approach,” Head Coach Reed Peters said. “I know it’s cliche but at this time of year it’s just one game at a time, it will be a big game tomorrow.” 

Delta started the game strong, scoring three runs in the first inning and two runs in the 2nd inning making the score 5-0. 

Unfortunately, Taft scored six runs in the third inning making it 6-5. Therefore Delta was forced to respond with a big inning in the bottom of the third.

To start it off 2nd-baseman No. 35 Drew Giannini hit his second homerun making it 7-6. The Mustangs went through the lineup meaning Giannini batted twice hitting a double in his second at-bat.  He boosted Delta’s confidence and started the huge inning in which Delta scored 11 runs.

Giannini was pleased to help his team with three hits. 

“It felt great coming through for the team with a home run which put us up one I think it gave us a lot of momentum. As long as we feel confident heading into tomorrow we should be fine, they’re gonna throw some better guys tomorrow so you know putting up 25 runs like we did today makes us confident,” he said after the game. 

The score was 16-6 Delta at the start of the fourth inning. Taft scored three more runs in the fourth making it 16-9. Despite giving up six runs, starting pitcher No. 24 Tyson Pereira went five innings, struck out 8 batters, and picked up his fifth win. 

The fifth inning was the first scoreless inning by both teams. However, in the sixth inning, Delta put the nail in the coffin.

Delta loaded up the bases with Designated hitter No. 26 Grant MacArthur coming up to the plate. He hit a grand slam knocking in all four runners making it 20-9 putting the game out of reach. 

MacArthur felt like he did his job well. 

“I mean it was awesome that’s what I was going in there to do. I mean, I hit clean up — that’s my job, to get RBIs for this team. Going into playoffs we feel great putting up 25 we just have to keep building off it and keep hitting,” Macarthur said. 

Pitcher No. 6 Drew Peters shut down Taft for two innings only giving up two hits and remaining composed on the mound. 

In the seventh inning, Delta got a little run. Shortstop No. 27 Dominic Rodriguez doubled and scored. Then 1st-baseman No. 99 Blaine French knocked Rodriguez in with a home run to right field making it 24-9. 

French feels Delta can build off the win. 

“It felt good. I had some tough at-bats earlier, got pretty unlucky, tried to stay with it and I was able to get the pitch I was looking for. I think we’re gonna reset and keep doing the same thing we’ve been doing. We have been playing really good baseball the last couple months and as long as we keep with our approach and listen to our coaches we should be fine,” French said. 

French was correct because Delta won the series on Friday, May 3 by a score of 32-2. Super regionals will be May 10-12.