Students participate in the Mustang Week College Hour Luau on Aug. 22. PHOTO BY JELISSA KING

Mustang Week marked the first week of the fall semester, as it hosted several student-based activities, such as the Mustang Luau resource fair on Aug. 22.

The Associated Students of Delta College (ASDC) worked in collaboration with the EPIC Learning Community to organize the resource fair and welcome incoming students to the new academic year.

Daniella Romo, ASDC President, spoke about the significance of such community-related events for new students unfamiliar with campus resources.

“It’s all to make people feel welcome because when you get to campus you’re very scared. A lot of students come here and they don’t have the confidence to go out and ask for the sorts of resources tabling out here, and they don’t have the knowledge to go and find out on the website because the website is very confusing,” Romo said.

Romo said promoting activities that gather common interests fulfills the role of building a sense of community for everyone. 

Among various departments and resources promoting services, the event also included different forms of entertainment such as games, raffles, music and food catering.

Dillon Huynh, first-year Delta student, said he appreciates seeing events where students can come together and have fun.

“I love this kind of stuff because it’s more than just clubs and resources. You can meet people and develop connections with students on a new campus. It’s a more interactive experience than I would’ve thought,” Hunyh said.

The EPIC learning community helped ensure cultural accuracy by contributing to the design of decorations and the provision of food.