Collegian audits Measure L


In March 2004, San Joaquin County tax-payers voted yes to Delta College to receive the Measure L bond. Delta received $250 million to help with campus upgrades and expansion. The major Measure L projects brought campus portables to Mountain House, building the SCMA building/demolition of Cunningham (minus the planetarium), Golemon Library and multiple updates to the athletic field.  

For Nov. 5, 2024, Delta proposes Measure K for the ballot. This bond is double the amount, making it $598 million. The bond project will help remove asbestos, provide drinking water, upgrade job training, increase accessibility to higher education, prepare for students transferring to four-year universities and improve campus safety.

This is part two of the Measure K report series. This checklist previews the history of Measure L and compares it to the potential Measure K bond.

Mark off the checklist for Measure L. GRAPHIC BY JELISSA KING