Collaboration sows seeds of wisdom

Ajani Young leading students through a California Native Plant walk on Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2024

Plants, gardening and landscaping are at the heart of Delta’s Horticulture Club.

Horticulture Club president and agriculture intern, Ajani Young shared a new highlight for this semester. The club is hosting California Native Plant Walks partnering with ethnic studies professor, Nia Gregory.

 “She’s (Gregory) going to be going on the walk with us and then we will trade off information about what we know about the California native plants,” said Young.

 On the walks, Horticulture club members share information they’ve learned about the botanical side and Gregory will share information about traditional uses such as medicinal purposes, in practice, and special instructions from local tribe chapters on special ways to manage the plant.

 The partnership strives to share education on proper care and management of the plants to best preserve and protect them. The club will be printing signs with both the botanical name and the native name to put near the plants to further share the information beyond the walks.

Plant walks are every fourth Tuesday of the month on campus starting at the garden located near the greenhouse.

 Other recent activities for the Horticulture Club was the cleaning up of ficus trees that were used in the club’s spooky forest at their club booth during Fierce’s Fall Fest.

Horticulture Club will be participating at the upcoming Associated Students of Delta College club market happening November 6 & 7 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. where clubs can sell food or other items to help fundraise.

 If you’re interested in learning more or participating, Horticulture Club meetings are Tuesdays from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Horticulture Center.