Supportive professors make difference in student success


A lot of things can happen to you in life without warning — you or your kids getting sick, a family emergency, even death. 

Or you can be in a class and not get exactly what’s going on in class and feel as though you’re stuck.  

And with all that can be happening you still have assignments due, quizzes, mid-terms and essays due.

With all that is going on with you and wondering how you are going to be able to do everything that needs to be done.

And you have to talk to your professors so they can know what’s going on with you.

After telling them what’s going on with you some of the professors are going to be understanding and some aren’t.

 The  professors that are understanding and they will work with you with your assignments that are due, or not close any assignments, exams or quizzes that are due while you’re going through whatever it is.

“Adriana Brogger has been very supportive of my film work,” said Cesar Rosas Jr., a student with the Digital Media program at Delta. “She shares her constructive criticism and opinions on where I can improve, but at the same time acknowledges what I like to do as a filmmaker. And I’ll always appreciate her and Leo for helping me evolve as an indie filmmaker.”

Rosas continued to say: “she has also helped me expand on my creativity when it comes to film projects, giving me the opportunity to do different types of projects, other than skits. She is an amazing professor.”

Brogger, a Digital Media professor, described what a supportive professor could mean for students.

“Going to school is easy for everyone. But having a supportive professor can create a learning environment for help,” she said.

A supportive professor “creates a space to be comfortable to make mistakes, they seem helped, having a person in your corner to hype you up — provides feedback to improve and have confidence,” Brogger said.

Brogger also said that “more supportive professors mean more successful students and also help with growth of the students. It also shows flexibility with the students with deadlines for assignments.”