Measure K appears to be passing by slim margin


Delta College’s push for a $598 million bond to fund infrastructure projects, including permanent buildings in Mountain House, appears to have passed by a slim margin.

While the bond measure didn’t meet the threshold in Sacramento and Alameda counties, collectively it appears to have received more than the required 55 percent of the overall vote.

As of Wednesday morning, voters in San Joaquin County selected 58.24 percent yes and 41.76 percent no. 

Delta College Districts 4 and 5 covers a small portion of Sacramento County, in Galt and Herald areas. Voter support for Measure K was 43 percent for and 56 percent against.

A small part of Alameda County’s in District 6, next to the city of Mountain House. Poll results were updated at 1:03 a.m. on Nov. 6, where only seven votes were counted, five voted nay. 

School bond measures need 55 percent of the vote, whether the ballot measure fails in multiple counties. If totaled and averaged, Delta College appears to have garnered a 57.4 percent pass rate for the bond as of the last ballot count update.

A bond survey conducted in Spring 2024 showed that 57 percent of community support was in favor of the potential bond, according to Collegian reporting.

Collegian will update this story as more results are released.