Student film fest enters second year


The second annual SJDC Digital Media Film Festival, presented by Fierce Mustang Media Group, will be on Friday, Dec. 13. 

The first film festival at Delta came to fruition in 2023 with the organization and efforts from Delta’s Digital Media program with funding from the Career and Technical Education office.

 “Students can gain a sense of accomplishment of having their project being seen on a big screen if they’re selected. If they’re not selected, then there’s still a lot to gain that includes networking,” said Digital Media Professor Adriana Brogger.

“At this year’s event, we’re going to have Marsha Posner-Williams as our keynote speaker. She’s going to bring her brand of Marsha motivation, and so I think anybody who’s in the room is going to get to hear motivating words from someone who’s a two-time Emmy award winner, Golden Globe winner, and that is a great experience,” said Brogger.

Marsha Posner-Williams and Adriana Brogger with Emmy
Marsha Posner-Williams and Adriana Brogger with Emmy – photo by Wayne Williams

The film festival presents an opportunity for students and aspiring local filmmakers to have their work seen and network with others. The addition of industry professional Posner-Williams is another chance for attendees to gain valuable insight.

“The purpose of a film festival is really to help elevate the art form that is film, and in this case it provides a space for students and community filmmakers to showcase some of their work to a larger platform, sometimes as creatives we make videos and only so many people see it because it only lives on YouTube and maybe it’s not promoted much. So with film festivals you get a wider audience and your art can reach more people,” explained Leo Marquez, Digital Media Lab Tech. 

This year’s festival is also being organized with help from Fierce Mustang Media Group a collective media production group ran by student interns in the fields of Digital Media, Journalism and Mass Communications.

Attendees can expect to see the top three selected films selected in the six categories of documentary, short film, creative film, local high school submissions, Delta College alumni, and community filmmakers. The community filmmaker category was open for submissions for any filmmaker in San Joaquin County.

The event will run from 5 to 9 p.m. starting with a reception with food and networking in Upper Danner from 5 to 6 p.m., followed by a move to the Tille Lewis Theater from 6 to 9 p.m.

Admission is free, but attendees should reserve tickets to ensure there is enough seating. Tickets can be reserved by going to and clicking the blue button that says “Get Tickets at Film Freeway.”

The film festival will be on the last day of the semester, offering free entertainment to close out campus activities, support students, and an opportunity to hear from an inspiring industry professional.

Editor’s note: The writer of this story organizes the Film Festival. The lead advisers of Fierce Mustang Media Group (FMMG) are Adriana Brogger and Tara Cuslidge-Staiano.