To P.E. or not to P.E.? that is the question


It is no secret that there has been a decline in some classes at Delta College. However, some areas get hit harder than others. One area that has been taking major hits is the Physical Education Activity (PEACTIV) program.

There are currently 56 classes under the PEACTIV discipline in the 24-25 course catalog. Despite there being 56 classes in the catalog, only 42 classes from the 24-25 catalog are open for enrollment. However, both of these numbers pale in comparison to the 84 PEACTIV classes Delta College had in the 1998-1999 catalog. 

Delta has lost half of its PEACTIV classes in the last 25 years. Despite the only known reason for these classes being cut is enrollment issues Delta is yet to make an attempt at promoting them. Some programs at Delta don’t need promotion like the well-established nursing program however some students don’t even know we have PEACTIV classes.

Most of the time classes are cut because of low enrollment. However, sometimes Delta will add back some of these classes, as they attempted with fencing and futsal during the spring and fall of 2024, according to Athletic Director Tony Espinoza. However, neither of these classes ended up moving into the classroom.

Another class they have attempted to add was Contact Football.

“We did offer football. It was canceled,” said Espinoza. “We listed it twice — enrollment was too low”

Delta is in the process of adding flag football and pickleball classes. However, like when they tried to add fencing and futsal there hasn’t been any effort by the college to promote these classes. Causing the lack of enrollment.

However, Delta cutting classes isn’t something new. Among the classes that were cut during the 2010-2011 school year was baseball, and while there is the offseason baseball class that’s only available for members of the Delta baseball team. Despite you needing to be on the team to enroll in the class, MyDelta allows any student to enroll even if they have not met the requisites. This causes confusion for some students.

One of the most recent courses to have been deactivated from the PEACTIV department was the bowling courses. The bowling courses were deactivated on Nov. 21, 2017, according to Delta College BoardDocs. The reason listed is simply “Courses no longer offered.” There is little to no public information on any courses being deactivated.

The Collegian posted a survey asking if students thought Delta needed to add more public physical education courses and despite a small number of answers 100 percent of students said that Delta College should add more courses.

On top of a decrease in classes, there are not currently any sports or activities clubs at Delta. There is no info available on the last time Delta College even had a sports or activities club.