Students rate Delta College


By Christina Goodman Editor-in-Chief

Delta College students can find information about the professors on websites like 

But where can you find information on rating what students think about Delta as a whole?

 For example, rating the classrooms, how helpful the counselors are, the food or how the campus is upkept.

Some might dislike how the parking lots have potholes or that the restrooms sometimes don’t have supplies for the toilet seats, soap in the dispensary or paper towels.

The Collegian received 18 comments when asking members of the Delta College Facebook group what they liked most and least about the school.

“The koi fish and pond are cool,” said Tyler Lamester. 

Other students had a little more to say about rating Delta’s campus.

Stephanie Rodriguez commented “ I like the student center for human anatomy resources for the lab and its tutors.I dislike the slow internet and I really like the students there, most are nice and well educated in their area of study.”

Frances Crow-Harrison commented “ the financial aid office was very helpful , kind and helped  me complete my needed task and students’ essentials needs willing to help & provide students with everything from books to toothpaste.”

Samantha Scott also commented on the post saying “Best the resources provided to students (health services, food pantry, etc.), staff are friendly and welcoming and worst most lectures are only online and some classes are completely online now. pretty much all material is online as well.

After reading all the comments that were posted on Delta’s unofficial Facebook page students have mixed feelings about the counselors, good feelings about campus resources, and likes for the online classes and the dislikes for having online classes. 

Delta is still working on getting stuff together and from everything being online since Covid-19. 

Delta had also brought back paying for parking to fix the potholes in the parking lot, hot food in the cafeteria

So they’re trying to get everything back together. It’s just going to take time and the students have to give it time to come together and make it better for the students.