Board recognizes two retiring members at Nov.12 meeting


The Nov.12 meeting of the Delta Board of Trustees involved one employee dismissal and a performance evaluation of the Superintendent/President of Delta College during a two hour closed session.

The board chose to unanimously take action and terminated a payroll analyst.

The board recognized two members retiring at the meeting. Jennet Stebbins was appointed to serve on the San Joaquin Delta Community College District Board of Trustees as of December 2008.

“Jennet Stebbins put the welfare of the students of the San Joaquin Delta Community College District above all else throughout her term of office… served the District, its citizens, and students ethically, exhibiting conduct that was above reproach at all times,” read President of the Board Dr. Charles Jennings.

The board also took time to recognize Dr. Jesse Garza-Roderick of Area 2, who was appointed to the board only one year ago to help with promoting Measure K.

“I wanted to thank you for your time on the board and for your incredible leadership with the bond. All along you kept saying, ‘Don’t worry it’s going to be okay Lisa.’ You’re a force of nature. I knew that already, but anything that needed to happen you made it happen,” said Superintendent and President Dr. Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson.

During the meeting multiple agenda items were approved such as 78 course revisions, 31 new courses, and one course deactivation, a five-year agreement with Mindset Labs, Inc. to provide management and mental health support for district students and a redirection of funds to approve the restructuring of the Information Technology Department.

However, questions were raised by multiple board members on if funds should be released to the restructuring of IT because of the many problems WiFi issues throughout the semester. 

“We have been working on this for actually 18 months. It isn’t something that we have done pretty quickly,” said Vice President of Administrative Services Augustine Chavez, who presented the item to the board.

Jennings continued through the meeting to discuss the board policy subcommittee update on proposed changes to board policies for series 2000. The subcommittee was set to focus on strengthening and monitoring progress on creating an effective work environment and campus climate by the fall of 2026.

“We have compared them (the current board policies and procedures) with CCLC templates where it is appropriate and have updated board policies to ensure they are in compliance with the current law and regulations. We have worked to clarify language and consistent. We also in the process identified conflicts in the board policy and administrative procedure,” said Jennings.

Jennings said that the board was ready to read the policies and put them out for first reading to the public for any questions or input needed by a meeting in January.

Along with 18 items on the consent agenda only eight of them were discussed and the rest the board voted to pull several items including management and faculty actions.

However shortly after the vote, Jennings was handed a note to bring back into discussion items of faculty separations such as Professor Alex Taddei of fluid mechanics, industrial technology and welding, faculty employment of Athletic Director Tony Esponiza wanting to step back and teach as a Head Baseball Coach/Health Education, Physical Education and Health and Fitness and faculty additional discipline approval for Monica Fuentes-Rodriguez.

The board voted to adopt two-thirds of the proposed actions: the faculty separation and the additional discipline.

The board also approved the 2025-2026 Academic Calendar and the 2026 Summer Intersession Calendars presented by Dr. Kale Braden, Assistant Superintendent/Vice President of Instruction and Planning.