ASDC provides representation, programming


The Associated Students of Delta College or ASDC, is Delta College’s student government. However many students aren’t entirely aware of the group’s function.

“When you are an ASDC member you feel like a student and you feel like an employee you are kind of put in two worlds and it’s the most eye-opening experience a student can have,” said ASDC Vice President Layla Alaswald.

ASDC’s main function is to be a go-between for Delta College students and the administration.

“We actually have power since we represent 27,000 students,” said ASDC Secretary Ema Fua.

ASDC is overseen by the Office of Student Life and the Student Activities Director. Delta College is currently searching for a Director, the interim Director is Dr. Ricardo Marmolejo the Dean of Student Services.

ASDC is given a yearly budget of 100,000 dollars according to President Daniela Romo, limiting the projects they can do.

Their most recent project was the re-opening of Locke Lounge as a multicultural center. Student Life is currently looking for a special programs assistant to help in the lounge.

“ASDC is trying to find a way to solve a big issue on a lot of students’ minds: transportation,” said Alaswald

ASDC attempted to work with rideshare services such as Uber and Lyft, however there were liability issues that halted the discussions. Delta used to have a partnership with San Joaquin Regional Transit District however it wanted to raise prices.

A project ASDC has done that many students have heard of is the food pantry. The food pantry opened on Jan. 28 this semester. The food pantry is available for all Delta College students who fill out the online Student Food Pantry application in MyDelta.

ASDC events are often held on Thursdays, including College Hour being held on the third Thursday of every month. The next college hour will be on Feb. 20 and will focus on Black History Month.