Students talk shop with Pulitzer-winning journalists


Students involved in the Journalism, Digital Media, and Dreamers Success Center were invited to a small lunch time session with Pulitzer on the Road panelists Nicole Carroll, Caitlin Dickerson and Anna Wolfe on Thursday, Feb. 13. The event was moderated by Collegian Editor-in-Chiefs Jelissa King and Andrea Rivera.

The discussion involved story ideas, sourcing, and work/life balance among other topics.

Attendees were able to ask questions with the panels. Dickerson is a staff writer at The Atlantic who won the Pulitzer in 2023 for Explanatory Reporting, Anna Wolfe is an Investigative Reporter at Mississippi Today won a Pulitzer in 2023 for Local Reporting and Nicole Carroll the Executive Director at Newswell who won a Pulitzer in 2018 for Explanatory Reporting.

Approximately 50 people attended the student event, which included a chance for students involved in Fierce Mustang Media to document the event on campus.