On Feb. 11, Delta’s men’s golf team competed in the Big 8 Conference match at Woodbridge Golf and Country Club. The round was the first Big 8 Conference play for the men’s golf team this season.
Of the Delta men’s golf team’s 10-man roster, six players made it onto the competing team.
Two other players were signed up as individual players, due to not placing in the top six during practice rounds prior to the official conference matches. The remaining two that didn’t compete at the Big 8 conference weren’t qualified to enter.
By the end of the round, Delta had scored third with a team total of 386. The two Delta players competing as individuals scored 77 and 78, the top two of individual competitors.
During the round, men’s golf may have encountered some difficulties with the terrain.
Delta typically practices at The Reserve at Spanos Park for golf, while Woodbridge is located outside of Stockton.
Delta player and freshman Jakob Green, who earned the top score at 73, noted difficulties adjusting to the new golf course.
“I’ve never seen the course before, so it was one where you’re figuring things out as you go and adapting, playing as best as you can from there …” Green said. “It’s tough to commit to certain shots you’re not familiar with.”
Woodbridge also dealt with frequent rain in the week prior to the round. On the day of the round, the ground was still wet in some areas and players on the fairway had to use winter rules.
Morale may have been another issue for Delta’s men’s golf team. Green admitted to not being fully committed to making his shots for the first few holes. Many Delta players also expressed disappointment seeing the results while scores were being gathered and counted by the end of the conference.
“We need to be stronger. We need to be more competitive. We need to have a desire to win,” said Tony Troncale, a PGA Golf Professional and head coach for men and women’s golf teams at Delta.