Spring Break Unplugged: Inside the Week Off with Delta’s Faculty


While many Delta College students plan to relax or travel during spring break, have you ever wondered what your professors are up to while you are not here? 

The Collegian caught up with two faculty members to find out how they spend their week away from the classroom.

Professor Cassandra Opiela from the English department finds spring break to be a prime time for catching up, both on work and personal life. 

“I always end up using spring break to catch up with life stuff,” Opiela explained. Her break involves tackling house projects and campus responsibilities, including grading. Despite these obligations, she also tries to slow down and enjoy a more relaxed pace. 

“My children have a different spring break than we do, so I just try to move slower with less frantic energy and stress throughout the week,” she added.

For Professor O, this slower pace means catching up on sleep and attending exciting literary events. This year, she’s particularly thrilled about attending readings by authors Tommy Orange and Kaveh Akbar in the Bay Area.

For literary enthusiasts, she recommends “Martyr!” by Kaveh Akbar, praising its beautiful and thoughtful prose.

On the other hand, Professor Jacquelin Ratto from the Communication Studies department is planning a special getaway. 

“This year is unique, as we will be celebrating my husband’s birthday in Cabo San Lucas,” she shared, marking a break from her usual routine. 

Unlike previous years where she would catch up on grading, Professor Ratto plans to completely disconnect this time, focusing on personal reflection and goal-setting for her students. 

When relaxing, she enjoys indulging in a pedicure and diving into a good book, with “The Summer Pact” by Emily Giffin on her reading list for the break. As for travel, Rato embraces any opportunity to explore, especially if it leads her to a beach town.

“I just love soaking up some Vitamin D and warm, fresh air,” she said, dreaming of the perfect sunny escape.

Whether they’re catching up on grading, attending literary events, or simply getting some well-earned rest, professors at Delta College are making the most of their break, just like their students.