San Joaquin Delta College is seeking a $598 million bond during the November 2024 General Election. The board of trustees voted to move forward with the bond in Summer 2024.
The bond measure’s language is: “DELTA COLLEGE JOB TRAINING, REPAIR, AFFORDABLE EDUCATION MEASURE. To improve local community college classrooms/ labs/ access for nursing/ vocational career training, student safety; remove asbestos, lead paint, mold; ensure safe drinking water; repair deteriorating sewers, roofs; acquire, construct, repair classrooms, sites, facilities, equipment; shall San Joaquin Delta Community College District School Facilities Improvement District No. 1‘s measure authorizing $598,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $16 per $100,000 assessed valuation, generating $34,800,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, requiring local control, oversight, audits, spending disclosure?”
For more information about Delta College’s bond measure, visit:
Note: Collegian’s linking to information associated with Measure K does not constitute an endorsement.
Delta launches $598 million bond
On June 18, Delta’s Board of Trustees unanimously approved the placement of a $598 million bond measure on the Nov. 5 ballot.
These funds, if approved by voters, would seek to upgrade classrooms, address leaky plumbing, improve security and ultimately attempt to address issues with Delta’s more than 50-year-old facilities.

Collegian audits Measure L
In March 2004, San Joaquin County tax-payers voted yes to Delta College to receive the Measure L bond. Delta received $250 million to help with campus upgrades and expansion. The major Measure L projects brought campus portables to Mountain House, building the SCMA building/demolition of Cunningham (minus the planetarium), Golemon Library and multiple updates to the athletic field.

Delta disconnects from vital needs
Frustrations related to the on-and-off again Internet issues are bubbling over in public ways, with public comment at two most recent board meetings equating the situation to the sinking of the Titanic at the Sept. 3 meeting and and the reading of a resolution seeking “immediate action to resolve the consistent lack of Internet connectivity, lack of Internet capacity, and slow Internet speeds” at the Sept. 10 meeting.

Measure K in focus as election nears
Delta College’s $598 million Measure K is on the ballot in three counties: Alameda, Sacramento and San Joaquin — but the district isn’t the only district pursuing a bond measure this November.
A total of 252 districts across the state are asking voters to approve bonds. Four of those are in San Joaquin County: Escalon, Ripon, Tracy and Galt. Oakdale Joint Unified School District is also pursuing a bond in Stanislaus County.

Measure K appears to be passing by slim margin
Delta College’s push for a $598 million bond to fund infrastructure projects, including permanent buildings in Mountain House, appears to have passed by a slim margin.
School bond measures need 55 percent of the vote, whether the ballot measure fails in multiple counties. If totaled and averaged, Delta College appears to have garnered a 57.4 percent pass rate for the bond as of the last ballot count update.