Delta Pride aims to make campus safe, welcoming for students

PRIDE CENTER: Delta Pride president Chris Sandoval reviews his email as he prepares for the Transgender Day of Remembrance. PHOTO BY ORLANDO JOSE
PRIDE CENTER: Delta Pride president Chris Sandoval reviews his email as he prepares for the Transgender Day of Remembrance. PHOTO BY ORLANDO JOSE
PRIDE CENTER: Delta Pride president Chris Sandoval reviews his email as he prepares for the Transgender Day of Remembrance. PHOTO BY ORLANDO JOSE

There are many clubs at Delta College offering different activities.

One club in particular aims to bring awareness about the LGBTQ+ community.

Delta Pride’s main purpose is to provide a safe and welcoming environment for the LGBTQ+ community and allied students,
said Delta Pride President Chris Sandoval.

Sandoval said homophobia is a struggle throughout society.

In some societies being gay, lesbian or transgendered is accepted, while in others it’s rejected.

“I feel society is slowly processing to become more accepting but there is still hate,” said Sandoval.

The Pride Center on campus, located in Holt 250, is here to aid in the mission of acceptance.

Safe Zones have also been established on campus.

“Homophobia is still a real issue for gays and lesbians, though I believe there
is generally more acceptance than in the past. I think that many people genuinely appreciate and support diversity on campus, in life and business,” said Computer Science Professor Lisa Perez, a Delta Pride Ad-visor.

“Mainstream media has many examples that show homosexuals living in natural, happy and supportive families and communities.

However, in real life, bullying still exists. Sometimes it is very subtle, hardly noticeable, other times it is blatant and rude.

Whether subtle or blatant, bullying is unnecessary.”

Perez said the Safe Zone project started at other colleges and universities.

Kirstyn Russell, the other Pride Club ad-visor, liked the idea and wanted to bring it to Delta, she added.

The movement has spread across the campus.

“There’s over 20 faculty members who went through The Safe Zone training,” said Sandoval.

Dianna Gonzales, Director of Human Resources, provided training. Most Delta staff members have been trained, said Perez.

“Faculty members that want to participate get a label that he or she can place in a noticeable location indicating that a student will be accepted as they are,” she said.

Sandoval said it’s a step in the right direction, but he thinks progress still needs to be made.

“In my opinion I feel some students are open minded here at Delta College. But overall it’s not a gay friendly cam- pus,” Sandoval said.

The Delta Pride Club meets every Tuesday at 2 p.m. in Holt 321.

The Pride Center is open based on staff availability.