Delta goes cold turkey


The drag of being a smoker on Delta College is not knowing where it’s allowed.

Policy and Procedures Review Committee is in the process of revising existing smoking policies to limit the area where tobacco smokers are allowed to smoke.

Sgt. Mario Vasquez of Campus Police said, “Due to numerous health and safety complaints by smokers and non-smokers, police calls, loitering and continuous smoking policy violations, the Health and Safety Committee met to agree to enforce smoking on campus policies.”

Last updated in 2001, BP Policy 3570 states that smoking is prohibited within 20 ft. of a main entrance, exit or operational window. Smoking is also prohibited inside any area. Since then Campus Police allowed smoking in the grass area behind Shima as a compromise.

“The smoking population is so big,” said student smoker Tim Corder. “You will have people going to Pershing Ave. and Pacific Ave to smoke. That will cause a hassle to the students because they could be late for classes.”

Currently, the revised smoking policy is open for comment for the next 30 days to the various shared governance bodies, such as the Associated Student Body Government and Academic Senate.

After the commenting period, the policy will return to be discussed during an upcoming Policy and Procedures meeting.

Austin Wilkerson is a non-smoking student and he said, “I don’t see any issue with smoking in the parking lot. I think there should be an area where people are allowed to smoke.”