Sounds of heart and soul: Reggie Ginn


With spectacular command of a keyboard and a classically trained voice, Reggie Ginn has been making an impression up and down the west coast.

The 26-year-old musician from Sacramento combines heartfelt lyricism with an indie-alternative sound in her records and captivating live performances.

photo credit: Kirstie Haruta

Ginn, a singer all her life, taught herself how to play keyboard during her junior year of high school, and began writing songs soon after.

It wasn’t until after college that she began pursuing a musical career.

Her inspiration to begin playing piano came from Tori Amos, and other comparable influences include Imogen Heap and Ani DiFranco.

But Ginn has a sound all her own.

“I sing from my soul,” she said. “What inspires my songwriting is the hardships of life, whether it be heartache, or lacking in something, or losing something.”

Songs such as “Outta My Mind” and “Smile,” featured on her November 2009 release “Sing for the Voiceless,” deal with just that.

She also has an earlier self-titled release, which includes memorable songs such as “I Wanna Come Down” and “Bruises and Bloodstains.”

Her songs and performances have generated a buzz about her in the Central Valley.

She won a 2010 Modesto Area Music Award (MAMA) for best unplugged performance, has been featured on Good Day Sacramento, as well as several radio stations and has performed at three “Twilight” conventions.

Currently, Ginn is working on writing and recording her third album.

Though she feels it will be difficult to follow “Sing for the Voiceless,” she is looking forward to its completion.

photo credit: Kirstie Haruta

“It’s coming together really well,” she said. “I’m working with some really talented musicians. I’m excited. It’s time to release new material.”

To get the full effect of Ginn’s talents, she urges people to catch one of her live performances with her “one-man band” – her keyboard. She prefers to be able to perform up close to the audience.

“It’s such a release to be able to share my music, she said. “Being able to release my emotions in a creative way is a gift. And having people want to listen… I’m so grateful.”

Both of her albums are available on Amazon and iTunes, as well as at all of her shows.

Catch Ginn on March 5 at Delta College’s Generation 4 Change club’s benefit show at the Plea for Peace Center, 630 E. Weber Ave., Stockton.

For music, show dates, and more info about Reggie Ginn, visit

For video of Ginn performing at the Plea for Peace Center visit

Update: The Generation 4 Change show is on March 5, not March 2 as was previously stated.