Shima Parking adds speed bumps


The first thing drivers on campus have to do is find parking. The removal of the berm between Shima One and Shima Two parking lots last semester was to alleviate some of these issues.

With the parking lot opened, a runway that splits the middle of the lot has created new problems.

Over spring break the issue was corrected.  Five new speed bumps were installed along the runway.

Ariela Cruz, a 19 year old freshman described the speed bumps as helpful “the cars can’t go as fast.”

“The drivers entering from West Burke Bradley, on the Pershing Avenue side of Delta College campus rarely slow down to the posted ten mph speed limit,” stated Sergeant DiPiero at the beginning of the semester.

Thus causing more issues.

At the beginning of the semester, District Police barricaded the west entrance into the Shima lot until the problem could be addressed.

These speed humps span the width of the runway and are about three feet across.

Thirty-nine year-old sophmore, Matt Roche said “They don’t look effective they seem too wide,” while rushing off to his 8:00 a.m. Thursday morning class.

These speed bumps went a day without being marked, and still have no signage to warn drivers of them.

There are plans to add signage according to District Police, but the implementation date is unknown.

“Hopefully the speed bumps will reduce accidents and traffic violations and increase pedestrian safety,” said DiPiero optimistically.

These speed bumps do slow down traffic but some drivers have tried to drive very close to the shoulder of the roadway to avoid the speed bumps with no success.

“They don’t bother me. It is what it is,” said sophomore Brandon Smith, 19, while walking from his car to campus Thursday.

Currently District Police do not have any plans to add speed bumps or additional signage to any other lots on campus.