Wellness Club promotes healthy lifestyle, disease awareness


San Joaquin Delta College Wellness Club promotes a healthy lifestyle based on the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual dimensions of wellness.

The Wellness Club’s goal works for both on campus and in the community to raise awareness and educate people about a variety issues related to health and wellness.

The activities the Wellness Club are involved in center on education fundraising for organizations that support research and aid those with health issues, and extracurricular outdoor activities that challenge both the mind and body.

The Wellness Club is holding a fundraiser for breast cancer awareness this month.

”[The Wellness Club] will sell items that support the cause; 10% of the profits will go to the American Cancer Society, and the rest to the club,” said club president Holly Morfin.

“For people who love helping people and are interested in living a healthy lifestyle and promoting health and wellness, this club is for you”* Holly Morfin said.

If you are interested in Wellness Club, visit DeRicco 374 on Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. You can also contact Holly Morfin, at (209) 915-4355 or hmorfin410@students.deltacollege.edu