Trustees remain, Prop. 30 passes

“Getting out my message was a challenge.
Showing that I really care and that we can have an open discussion on what we can save.”
C. Jennet Stebbins
Area 1, South Stockton

“Elections are an
opportunity for
candidates to layout their vision of the future and for voters to choose who best can represent them.”
Steve Castellanos
Area 5, Northern District

“Few people realize that the State budget controls the number of students community colleges teach, and that our
enrollment capacity has been shrinking over the past four years.”
Teresa Brown
Area 6, Tracy

The ballots are in and the election is over.  All but one trustee have been elected.

The San Joaquin Delta College Board of Trustees is a governing board made up of seven voting members and a student trustee, that oversees the entire college district.

With the election having four of the seven seats on the ballot this was a big election for the college and community.

The voters wanted no change in the governing members, voting in the three incumbents running.

Steve Castellanos, Teresa Brown and C. Jennet Stebbins will return to the board. The last seat did not have an incumbent running. The race for Area 2, Central Stockton remains undecided between Elizabeth Blanchard and Claudia Moreno.

Throughout the election board members campaigned in many different ways.

Mary Ann Cox, the current representative for Area 2, decided not to run again.

“I am 69, and have spent 42 years in education. I want to let new people try it out and spend more time with my family,” said Cox.

This election not only had the trustees on the ballot but had proposition 30.

According to the Calif. voters guide, Proposition 30 would increases taxes on earnings over $250,000 for seven years and sales taxes by a quarter cent for four years, to fund schools.

Increased state tax revenues through 2018–19, averaging about $6 billion annually over the next few years. Revenues available for funding state budget.

In 2012–13, planned spending reductions, primarily to education programs, would not occur.

With the passage of Proposition 30, Delta College is not in dire need of major cuts to the class sections and offerings, but cuts will still happen.

“There will be future program losses, but these will be carefully considered before any decision is made,” said Castellanos. “We will take a look at low enrollment programs and even then will be very cautious before any decision is made.”

Delta students have another four years with the re-elected trustees and newly elected trustee.

The remaining trustees have another two years before their seats come up for election.