Campus police obtains new electric vehicles


With recent changes on campus students and staff may have overlooked one of the far simpler ones, Delta Police Department (P.D.) has received four new fully electric carts, and two trikes to patrol campus as part of the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution District Grant.

The grant allows for organizations to purchase electric vehicles as long as they reduce the amount of carbon emissions.

The grant covers for the cost of the vehicle however anything such as helmets or emblems must be covered by the agency.

Delta Police Department used the grant to obtain four carts, which cost $42,293 as well as 2 trikkes that cost a total of $11,586. They also obtained a cart for the IT department as well as auxiliary services. Although Delta Police Department is looking to use the grant again to obtain other vehicles which are also electric.

“If they work well we will look into getting more of the same type of vehicles” stated Sergeant Robert DiPiero during an interview.
DiPiero also mentioned that the grant has a limitation on how much it will spend before the organization becomes responsible for the difference in cost. The process works by the organization simply applying for it. Once their application is approved they purchase the vehicles and provide receipts, which the grant will reimburse them for the vehicle.

The grant is accessed through the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (Valley Air District).

According to their website  “The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District is committed to improving the health and quality of life for all Valley residents through effective and cooperative air quality programs.”