Show endings leave viewers disappointed


On March 31, the popular television show “How I Met Your Mother” came to what fans are calling another controversial end to a hit show.

Show runners have a habit of getting people to enjoy a show, run it for the better part of a decade, then when the finale arrives, run it off a cliff to the point of no return and leave worshipers speechless.

When “How I Met Your Mother” ended, the creators believed they were giving the fairytale ending viewers wanted.

However, the majority of fans gave it a thumbs down. Thousands rushed to their computers or smartphones to voice angered opinions, as tragic flashbacks of the series finale of “Seinfeld” rang in their head.

That iconic show ended with Jerry Seinfield and his friends locked up in jail as their karma came back to bite them. Viewers of “How I Met Your Mother” likely thought to themselves: Please, not this again.

“How I Met Your Mother” and “Seinfeld” aren’t the only shows to leave fans disappointed.

The ending of “The Sopranos” literally left people in the dark as the screen went black and the show ended.

There’s still debate on the ultimate fate of the characters of “Lost.” For anyone that’s curious of how that one ended, they can just look at the title.

Then there’s “Dexter,” in which the charming murderer inexplicably started a new life and left all the bloodshed behind, with no comeuppance for his crimes.

Not all show endings disappointed their followers.

Shows such as “The Wire,” “Friday Night Lights,” “30 Rock,” and “West Wing” had solid series finales. Most recently, the popular show “Breaking Bad” was able to surprise their viewers and deliver a solid ending.

These series’ were able to do what those aforementioned black eyes weren’t: give the fans what they deserve and answer lingering questions with an ending that made sense.

Some writers may try to make a series finale more emotional or psychological than is required. Considering how sewed into a showmost viewers are, the ending is going to be emotional no matter what.

Shows like Dexter are built with in-depth thought. But such depth isn’t needed in an ending: just give the last farewell and close it.

Fortunately or unfortunately, as long as there is television, there will be television shows that we love—and when it’s time to say goodbye, show creators might say it in a way that doesn’t make sense.