‘No Child’ going through revamp


Members of the U.S. Senate will work toward revamping the education law known as No Child Left Behind.

It’s a reauthorization of the landmark Elementary and Secondary Elementary Education Act of 1965 passed by Lyn- don Johnson.

According to Johnson, “full educational opportunity should be our first national goal.”

The ESEA offered new grants to districts serving low-income students, Federal grants for text and library books.

It also created special education centers and created scholarships for low-in- come college students.

The law provided Federal grants to state education agencies to improve the quality of elementary and secondary education.

The revision of President George W. Bush’s signature 2001 education law passed and allowed states to evaluate teachers and fix educational problems in struggling schools.

Teachers will no longer be measured on student’s test scores and schools will no longer be penalized if yearly progress isn’t made.

Congress has been unable to find common ground since 2007 when NCLB expired.

Education Secretary Arne Duncan called ‘NCLB’ “tired and prescriptive.” He declared the law’s central require- ment should stand.

The act focused on improving teacher and principal effectiveness, providing in- formation to help families evaluate their children’s schools, and implementing college and carrer ready standards.

For more information visit to ed.gov or nochildleftbehind.com.