Peer advice for new, returning students


Maybe it’s your first semester at Delta College and you are a little worried about what to do with your education. Or maybe it’s your fifth semester at Delta and you are struggling to continue your education.

Whatever the case, students often need some encouragement to get through the semester without breaking down.

Sometimes all we need is a new perspective or some helpful encouragment to keep our spirits up.

A few students wanted to share their own advice for new and returning students to help get through their time here at Delta.

“Don’t give up. Definitely don’t. I had a moment where I just didn’t want to come [to Delta] anymore, because I had been here for so long. I felt like I was going to take classes forever. But now I only have a few semesters left and I’m really, really happy.”

— Steph Miller, six-semester Delta student

“I think new students should always keep track of what they’re doing with homework. Because due dates are extremely important. Not just for homework, also for other schools if you want to transfer. Just keep track of what you’re doing. Another thing, be open. You never know if you’re gonna find something you never knew that you’ll like or want to pursue a career in.”

— Luis Alberto Orozco Orejel, starting his fourth semester

“I would say that you need to stick with your studies. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, a lot of the professors really do want to help you. Don’t get lazy. It’s really hard but you just have to keep going if you want to make it out in a short amount of time. If a student is just coming out of high school, it’s probably hard to watch some of their friends go off to four-years and they are like stuck at Delta. It happened to me but just keep up with your work, it’s not hard to pass your classes.”

— Dave Jones, three-semester Delta student

“For older students, they should probably keep doing what they’re doing, ya know? It takes a little more time, but you finish when you finish. I been in and out of [Delta] for the past couple of years, but I’m going to really finish up over the next semesters. Slow and steady wins the race right?”

— Jacob Munoz, starting his sixth semester