Under the watchful eye

OBSERVING: A Student Services Officer walks through the quad area during a normal campus patrol route on Sept. 2. PHOTO BY KATHERINE GREY

On Aug. 18, a Delta College student was making her way toward campus when she was violently attacked by two female suspects on Precissi Lane.

OBSERVING: A Student Services Officer walks through the quad area during a normal campus patrol route on Sept. 2. PHOTO BY KATHERINE GREY
OBSERVING: A Student Services Officer walks through the quad area during a normal campus patrol route on Sept. 2. PHOTO BY KATHERINE GREY

The suspects punched, kicked and dragged the victim while attempting to steal her backpack and cell phone as released to the public by Delta College Police through TipSoft.

“Both were arrested and booked for attempted robbery, conspiracy to commit felony robbery and battery likely to cause great bodily harm” said Officer Jim Bock of Delta College Police.

With crimes such as this attack, the Campus Police remain in a constant state of readiness to protect students and citizens who utilize this institution year-round.

Campus police use a variety of ways for students, faculty and civilians to remain safe while at Delta.

From patrolling the streets within and around campus to hitting the quad with uniformed officers, the campus police ensure safety needs are met.

In an effort to keep those who work and attend Delta safe, campus police acquired a text message based notification system called TipSoft.

When a crime occurs or if an alert needs to be sent out to the masses, campus police can utilize TipSoft to get word out in a
moments notice.

Students can sign up for TipSoft alerts by visiting the Delta College website and scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking on “Emergency Info.”

Along with TipSoft, Community Service Officer Susan McAnelly, who serves as the Crime Prevention Officer for the department, has blanketed campus walls, doors and halls with red and white stickers listing the top 10 ways to remain safe on campus in bold print.

“Be aware, be alert,” said McAnelly.

There are special blue lighted phones located throughout campus.

The phones can be used to report a crime, to ask for directions, or to request a ride to wherever the student may need to go.