Hip hop revived by innovative artists


Hip Hop, like other genres at one point, has experienced a dip in substance. But over the past few years, that substance is coming back.

“Rap was becoming more like R&B and Pop. There were very few artists actually making rap music than in the past few years,” said Jonny Arevalo, a student of Delta college.

Hip hop over the past 10-12 years has suffered a dip in quality. It became more about the chorus than the lyrics.

Kendrick Lamar’s “To Pimp A Butterfly” swept the rap category with incredible substance and soul. Also, “Complex” has Lamar’s album number one on their top albums of 2015. J. Cole was also in this same category for his outstanding Album “2014 Forest Hills Drive”.

The rapper Logic released a very lyrical second album titled “the Incredible True Story.” Logic has dominated the underground for a good amount of time. Logic’s album will definitely be in the next chase for “Rap album of the Year”.

Hip hop was always intended to be about substance. It was supposed to be a way for any person to be able to talk about their struggles in life, in a very lyrical and poetic way.

That’s why Hip Hop legends like Nas came out and judged the new school and their lack of talent. Nas was the one who basically started the whole movement towards bringing back quality. Nas named his 2006 album “Hip Hop is Dead” to try to jump-start that movement.

Now, having young artists like J. Cole, which in way was the first one through the proverbial Hip Hop Isn’t Dead wall. Cole’s consistency has propelled him to the top of the game with a revolutionary tactic, when it comes to hip hop, of not using any “features.”

In an age that is dominated with who can get the most artists on one song. He brought the idea of I don’t need anyone else.

Coming into 2016 the hype was surrounding Kanye West and his return to his “old school” hip hop roots. Although it is only available on “Tidal,” reviews say it is the Kanye of old. Having a giant in the game make his return to the top to join the new talented young artists is big for Hip Hop.

“It’s always been this way, just key artists always stood out. The 90s had the Biggie and 2pac, 2000s had Eminem and the 2010s has Kendrick and Cole. it will always be dominated by artists who just make hits but there will also be those select few who have substance,” said Jonny.