ELECTION 2016: Hillary nearly falling behind Trump


As the nail-biting reality show we know to be the 2016 Presidential Election rounds into its home stretch towards Election Day, Hillary Clinton fans and supporters alike can’t help but wonder why the beloved Democratic hopeful isn’t leading by larger margins against novice Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Clinton herself wonders why she’s not blowing Trump out of the water.

On Sept. 21, during an address to a Laborers’ International Union of North America meeting in Las Vegas, Hillary Clinton barked the words: “Why aren’t I 50 points ahead, you might ask!”

She spoke to the group via video-conference delivering the statement rather awkwardly and in a berate tone which seemed to be the overall motif for the address.

So, Why isn’t Secretary Clinton ahead of Mr. Trump by 50 points?

Or even 10 points?
Do we really need to ask?

In a perfect world Clinton is beating Trump in
the polls by monumental strides, her experience makes her the perfect candidate with all the right answers and all the right solutions with an exceptional past in politics and is considered one of the most honest American politicians there ever was rivaling with honest Abe Lincoln.

She’s revered and welcomed back into the White House with open arms and is loved and seen as the strong leading matriarch of the United States of America.

In reality, the world isn’t perfect and neither is political puppet Clinton.

Her apparent victory in the Sept. 26 debate
at Hofstra University against Trump came as no surprise to the world of politics and seems to have helped Hillary move ahead in the polls.

But not by much.

According to USA Today’s poll tracker, it’s a very close race despite “big feats” with former Secretary Clinton’s performance during the first Presidential Debate.

Believe it or not it’s no mystery why Clinton is struggling to barely be able to keep her head above water to hold her lead in the polls.

People know her.

Let’s start with the millennial generation voters who made a tremendous impact in turnouts at the polls eight years ago for President Barack Obama and against both Clinton and John McCain. Why aren’t the same fired up feelings of the 2008 elections being expressed for Hillary as they were for Barack?

It’s because we’re still waiting on the “Change” Obama and the DNC so proudly declared and promised was going to happen once elected into the White House.

Unfortunately, Americans were gypped by the sweet nothings of the Obama campaign and will only be fooled yet again by Clinton and the “happy meals” of lies she continues to ostentatiously serve along with her best “sales men” grin.

To be 50 points ahead, Clinton would need a substantial amount of support from the Republican side which is very unlikely since referring to GOP voters as the ‘enemy’ during the Democrat debate season, and more recently describing them as deplorable but considering the miraculous turn around with her health from having pneumonia to being cured in a week, anything can happen.

Furthermore, Clinton’s biggest strength may also lead to her demise. The qualifications of such a powerful position as president doesn’t come without experience and Secretary Clinton’s checkered record and 35+ years of experience is bad experience and only represents the past which is not something she can solely run on.

Her globalist policies mixed with “her judgments and decisions in dealing with Syria, Iraq and Libya along with her use of a private email server while Secretary of State” remain the second biggest concern among voters according to a recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

Also, the obvious Benghazi attack leading to the deaths of four Americans including Ambassador Stevens remains at the forefront of the bad track record for Clinton which leads many to believe her negligence on the issue will foretell a sign of weak protection strategies for America to terrorist groups such as Isis if she gets elected.

Hillary’s weakness with millennials factors in to one of the main reasons she isn’t 50 points ahead.

She has a complex to her that forces you to either hate her or just be able to tolerate her.

Obama described her best with a back handed compliment during a 2008 debate: She’s likeable enough.

But just barely- and only because her opponent continues to put his foot in his mouth every time he opens it. Fortunately for her, Clinton doesn’t need the 50 points she thinks she deserves to become the first female president.

She only needs to win by one.