Women identify as ‘nasty’ after Trump comment


The final 2016 presidential debate on Oct. 19 was the last opportunity for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump to reach undecided voters.

The debate covered issues impacting American people including gun control, national debt, women’s health rights and immigration. 

When Chris Wallace, the moderator, asked the nominees about their economic plans for the country, Trump said he would “create tremendous jobs.”

Clinton’s response to “raise taxes on the wealthy … my payroll contribution will go up, as will Donald’s, assuming that he can’t figure out to get out of it.”

Trump interrupted with the comment: “Such a nasty woman.”

This comment sparked outrage across the world. “#NastyWoman” began trending on Twitter, and women around the world began to identify as “nasty.”

So who is a nasty woman? What do nasty women do? And why are nasty women a possible threat to Trump’s presidential campaign?

United States Senator of Massachusetts, Elizabeth Warren gave her defintion.

“Nasty women are tough. Nasty women are smart. Nasty women vote,” said Warren.  “On Nov. 8, we nasty women are going to march our nasty feet to cast our nasty votes to get you out of our lives forever.” 

Delta students also reacted.

“Trump’s ‘nasty woman’ comment clearly proves his attitude towards women, just like his other remarks. I think the comment describes the nature of this election as a whole, which is sad because these people are supposed to be our leaders,” said student Angela Colback. “My hope is that these nasty women come together with other women so we don’t have to be afraid of men like Trump running the country.”

Throughout Trump’s campaign, controversy has remained an issue and most recently with women. 

Access Hollywood’s footage and audio recording proving Trump made past claims of sexually assaulting women made it difficult for voters to understand why he remained in the race. 

“I identify as a nasty woman,” Jessica Gomez, a former Delta college student said. “It’s actually scary, the thought, he could be our next president. If he’s elected, he will be our representative to the rest of the world. From what I hear and see, I feel like he could take away rights from women. I guess that’s the scariest part for us nasties (laughs), this could really be our reality.”