Fashion allows for more self expression


Fashion, as defined by, is roughly described as the “hippest, trendiest clothes and music.”

Trendiest wouldn’t be the right word to use in this century we live in where fashion influences even the youngest generation.

The word “lifestyle” would be more accurate for this definition, because people aren’t only using fashion to express themselves physically, emotionally and mentally, but also to take a stand against the status quo. 

Fashion Week is a prime example.

It happens twice a year, once in February and then later in September. 

This year’s February Fashion Week started off with a clap and ended with praise.  Fashion took a new turn, with people making a statement on the runway has become normal. Fashion breaks the boundaries that at times, can be favorable but can also take a hindering view. 

Gypsy Sport runway took it to the next level with a model nursing her child on the runway, beaded hair male models, buzz-cut tattooed women and Desmond Napoles, a 10-year old drag prodigy.

Napoles stole the show, making a statement that “kinderdrag” is on the way.  There have been many advances in the LGBTQ community but tough people wish others would just get over their conservative ways. It won’t be that easy but as Napoles takes to the runway, new ideas will make way.

The runway isn’t the only stage where people have chosen to let their voices be heard.

People are speaking up and are expressing themselves through clothes, an example being the #MeToo Movement. 

Another example could be Singer Joy Villa’s dress choices against abortion.

Villa took a stand against abortion on the Grammy Red Carpet when she wore a white Pronovias wedding gown featuring a rainbow surrounding a fetus with a handbag that said “Choose Life.”

Abortion has been a topic the media seems to go back and forth about whether to be for or against it. It’s not about thinking through both arguments, now it has become a verbal war by side. 

It’s a mess. You have to decide between the woman’s rights to her own body or the “fetus” basic human rights. 

Villa makes it that much harder when she gets personal and talks about the child she had but gave up for adoption. With this dress she wore, she directly raised the volume, so to say, of those with similar point of views. Through it all, decisions have consequences. 

Abortion doesn’t mean you won’t have to worry about a life because you will. You will wonder about your own and of that “fetus” no matter the consequences. 

Becoming “kinderdrag” doesn’t mean all will approve of your choice.

Fashion can represent more than just one perspective.