Trump hardly empathetic to shooting crisis in America


When President Donald J. Trump is committed to something, there’s no stopping him.

“Since taking office on Jan. 20, 2017, Mr. Trump has reportedly been on the grounds of his golf courses or played golf elsewhere 101 times since becoming President,” according to “How many times has Trump played golf while in office?” published March 3 in Golf News Net.

Trump hasn’t let being the leader of the free world stop him from spending Saturday’s on the golf course.

On Feb. 14, a 19-year old man walked into the halls of Stoneman Douglas High in Parkland, Fl. with an AR-15 and began firing. He killed 17 innocent people.

That week, our selfless president decided he would break his habit and grieve for the lives that had been lost earlier that week instead of playing golf.

After two long days, he made his return to the golf course the following Monday morning.
Those two days must have been the hardest for him.

What could be worse?

Maybe the 17 grieving parents who weren’t able to send their children back to school that Monday. However, instead of being our president and doing everything he could to connect with these parents he decides golf was more important.

“President Trump arrived at a Florida hospital Friday evening to visit with wounded students and to thank medical workers after a deadly shooting at a high school took the lives of 17 people,” said Daniel Chaitin in the article, “Trump and first lady visit wounded students in Florida hospital,” published Feb. 16 in the Washington Examiner.

And that was it. Parents need more than a fraudulent smile and a thumbs up, they need to be heard.

The next following week on Feb. 22, angry students, parent and the community of Parkland gathered together at town hall in Sunrise, Fl., to finally get some closure and have questions


At least that’s what they thought was going to happen.

The president denied his invitation and refused to send anyone from the White House to represent him.

Trump has been the least empathetic about this tragedy. This was the only time these parents and student could release the strain in their hearts.

Speaking face-to-face with these gun advocates, was very sentimental to the community of Parkland. The people wanted to show their pain through their word and tears, but some felt it was more of an argument instead of discussion.
“Is it going to be safe for me to go back to school?” asked one student.

By the end, she still was unsure.

“I don’t feel like they answered the question,” said Avery Anger, 14.

Trump needed to be there solely for that comment made by Anger. People didn’t feel like they were being heard, and as our president Trump thought it would be best if he sat this one out.

We all know by now that Trump supports the Second Amendment to the fullest extent. So why would he show up to an event that goes against his own beliefs?

I believe nothing will change with the matter of gun control because the person who runs the show is also our president.