RTV program highlights Women’s History Month


In celebration of Women’s History Month, audio students from the Radio and Television program are producing a six-episode podcast series about the women of Delta College.

The podcast episodes will be available for students and the community to listen to on KWDC 93.5 FM radio every Thursday in March. Except during spring break when the campus will be closed.

Podcast episodes will be published on SoundCloud every Thursday afternoon.

“So, this is a series of six, it will take us through the entire month,” said RTV Professor Adriana Brogger, the project’s faculty supervisor and advisor.

Each podcast episode will focus on different women and have slight variations within the script, as the students will have their own interpretations of the script.

“As their advisor, I’m reading everything, but you know, each of the students has their own take on the script,” said Brogger. “They’re doing their own research for this. I think what you can expect to hear is to learn about the lives and stories of some of the women that make up our campus from faculty, students, staff, administration, and it’s a celebration of women in honor of Women’s History Month.”

The first episode of the series is now available on SoundCloud under the user name KWDC 93.5 Delta College Radio and focuses on Delta College President/Superintendent Dr. Kathy Hart.

The women chosen for this project were determined by students and recommendations.

“The way that this worked was that the Women’s History Month committee gave us a suggested list of … kinds of people that they would like us to focus on,” said Brogger.

“ at they would be, for example, someone related to being a single mother, someone … a veteran, so in different categories. And from there then, my students developed a letter, and each of the students went out to different departments on campus. They introduced the podcast and left a letter and a card. From that, we were able to identify individuals to work with and so each episode has an assigned producer, host, writer, researcher, fact checker, and they’re all working on it,” said Brogger.

Aside from learning more about the women on campus, this project is an assignment for audio students.

“We’re actually learning how to interview,” said Sabrina Rodriguez, audio student and host of the first podcast.

“Structure an interview with somebody. Sending out the emails. You know, setting the dates, the times, formatting questions. We to develop questions, making sure that we’re giving those to our interviewee beforehand. Recording, learning how to use audio. So, we’re doing audio production, we are learn- ing how to edit anything from the start to finish,” said Rodriguez.

The second episode was re- leased March 8 and focused on Communication Studies Professor Kathleen Bruce.