‘A Winter’s Tale’ opens at Delta


Delta Drama Department will present Shakespeare’s “The Winter’s Tale,” directed by Delta teacher Greg Foro, starting this month. 

The story is a classic play with twists, turns and plenty of laughs on and off the stage. 

For many of the actors, this is a production they have definitely enjoyed preparing to bring to life. 

“I feel privileged to play Camillo and I also feel it’s hard to get into — like it’s hard to get into Camillo’s skin a little bit — but I’m here for it,” said Delta student Katelyn Kenyon. “I was crazy nervous. I haven’t had any experience with Shakespeare or classical, and before I auditioned I spoke to Greg and enrolled in the classical acting class at Delta to make sure I felt prepared. So, I felt nervous but I love it now, I’ve really in a crazy nerdy way fallen in love with it.”

Since this is the only production this semester, there is massive energy surrounding the cast and behind the scenes leading up to the premiere.  

The play will be shown on Nov. 15-16 and Nov. 22-23 at 7 p.m., with two matinee performances on Nov. 17 and Nov. 24 at 2 p.m. in the Tillie Lewis Theatre.