Pandemic upends business model for California company

Michael Weston, president and CEO of Protection Engineering, talks about how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected his business and employees.
Michael Weston, president and CEO of Protection Engineering, talks about how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected his business and employees.

President and CEO of Protection Engineering Michael Weston shared his thoughts and talked about actions his company has taken during the pandemic.  

As CEO, Weston understands what COVID-19 has done to the business industry and he is grateful that he is one of the businesses that is essential.  

 He said that the choices he’s had to make since the start of COVID-19 haven’t been drastic and said he actually hasn’t had to let go of any employees. 

He said that business is slow but it’s not at a complete stop. It’s a difficult time he says but grateful for being in business.  

Weston is also very understanding of the situation and with his employees he gave them an opportunity to submit how much work they need to get by rather than laying them off.  

“California hit another grim milestone in the coronavirus outbreak this week, with its largest single-day number of new cases Tuesday — a statewide total of 2,546 COVID-19 infections coming amid torrid debate over whether it’s safe to start lifting economically crippling lock-downs,” according to statistics from The San Jose Mercury News 

While COVID-19 is still spreading Weston is hopeful life will get back to normal.   

He said he’s had to rely on other businesses that are also still open to help ship his products since before, he said, the company didn’t ship as much as it does now. He says it’s good to know that he has other businesses to rely on.  

 He also said that he is able to go to work still but with technology he can work from home from being CEO as long as he has a laptop.  

Weston said that right now is a “waiting game” with his company, he feels positive about it but he doesn’t know when the market is going to come back.