‘Home Alone’ stands test of time


Sometimes the essential classics run into upsets.

Movies symbolizing the holiday season were chosen and voted on by Collegian staff in a randomly generated bracket system. 

The results of this movie ranking are actually very surprising to me, the biggest surprise being that Home alone was decidedly the best holiday movie of all time. 

My votes were for either “Gremlins” or “Polar Express.”

“Polar Express” is generally well liked among most people around the 18 to 24 age group and it is a movie that I personally have nostalgic ties to, so it felt obvious to vote for it. 

“Gremlins” is a movie that had a strong cultural impact over an entire generation of people. I would have never guessed that “Home Alone” had that same impact amongst my generation.

I even expected classic holiday movies such as “A Charlie Brown Christmas” or “The Grinch” to win sooner than “Home Alone” would just due to the fact that they’re classics.

I am not at all upset with the results of this movie ranking, just slightly shocked.
