Religion essential for college students


We’ve all been handed a Gideon bible on campus, right?

Are you curious about God? Is he real? 

Do you or someone you know ask why God is important in your life?

Each individual has their own perspective on religion. Some believe that God is the big rulemaker with a long stick, waiting to strike you down at every mistake made. Others believe in multiple gods, or higher powers. Belief systems can impact mental health, which can help students be a more complete person.

Even more complicated are beliefs in evolution or creationism. Are we the result of a spark that happened millions of years ago? Or were we created by an all-knowing entity?

If you ever have taken a religion class here at Delta College, you’ll find that evolution was a theory initially proposed by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in the nineteenth century as an idea that humans must come from another species. 

If so the question is, if evolution is real shouldn’t it still be happening? If we evolved from monkeys, shouldn’t we still see it happening? We may have evolved in other ways, but the human race hasn’t evolved in a way that makes it different than it had been since the homo sapien era began. 

The views on the different sides are sometimes far apart. Religion, in general, is something that people find solace and grace in. 

“Religion in young adults can benefit them greatly because of the decisions they make in those years,” said Brandon Smith, a pastor over young adults at Quail Lakes Baptist Church.  “Particularly, Christianity provides a framework for how we all should live our lives. Jesus Christ the God of the universe is important, especially for millennials.” 

Everyone has their own take on who God is. Some are Buddhist, Muslim or Scientologist. 

Surprisingly enough individuals all have something in common and that is they all have faith in something. Even if it’s just themselves.

Faith is trust and confidence in something. 

As children, some of our parents drove us to either a church or a temple, where we all congregated with other same believing individuals. We all should know right from wrong. We all know that we should treat each other the way we want to be treated. So each individual at the college age should have some type of foundation as they enter the real world. 

Religion can be that structure for many.

Think of it this way; It’s beneficial to have some sort of belief. Many of us can relate to a young Jew by the name of Jesus who sacrificed his life some 2000 years ago. Some can relate to him because of his age and the fact that he could receive anybody.

Faith also can impact mental health. According to an 2019  article in Indian J Psychiatry, religion can help with one’s mental health by improving it. Religion can benefit individuals greatly by providing them with some type of peace.

So here is the question: What are some of your core values? If you have some of the values listed within this article then you’re off to a good start. 

Whatever faith you believe in you have to have one universal thing and that is love and respect for everything God has created.