Delta releases Fall Emergency Grant Applications


Delta College opened the emergency grant applications on Sept. 27. As of now the applications are now closed due to high demand and limited funds.

“Unfortunately, we only have a limited amount of funds so not all students that qualify will be able to receive the emergency grant,” said Lent.

“The Emergency Grant involves funds that we received from the state,” said Tina Lent, Delta’s financial aid director. “The purpose of the funds are for students that have urgent financial concerns for needs such as transportation, housing, food, medical expenses, etc.” 

The emergency grant reward was $3,000 and will go to those eligible for it.

The emergency grants were limited and awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Many students applied and there were more people than funds so they had to close the application a few hours after it opened.

“We opened the application yesterday morning and had to close it a few hours later because we received more applications than we have funds for.” said Lent.

Those who applied will have to check in the next couple of weeks to see if they qualified for the grant. 

“Those eligible will be awarded and disbursed in the next couple of weeks.” said Lent. 

According to Delta’s website, the funds will be distributed through BankMobile.

“Those that are awarded the Emergency Grant will have their award disbursed through Bank Mobile.” said the website notice.