4/20 celebrated as a stoner’s holiday


It’s a day when stoners – and others – give themselves permission to get high. It’s not acknowledged as a Federal holiday, but it’s a cause for celebration for many who love marijuana.

How did it start? 

Who really knows, but it is celebrated yearly. Friends get together and smoke for hours.

A 2016 Time article “Here’s the Real Reason We Associate 420 With Weed,” included different origin theories as to how the commemorative day started.

The Time Theories include: 

“Some say “420” is code among police officers for  ‘marijuana smoking in progress.’”

“One goes as far as to cite Bob Dylan’s song ‘Rainy Day Women #12 & 35’ because 12 multiplied by 35 equals 420.’”

The most credible story traces 4/20 to Marin County, Calif. In 1971, five students at San Rafael High School would meet at 4:20 p.m. by the campus’ statue of chemist Louis Pasteur to partake. They chose that specific time because extracurricular activities had usually ended by then. This group — Steve Capper, Dave Reddix, Jeffrey Noel, Larry Schwartz, and Mark Gravich — became known as the ‘Waldos’ because they met at a wall. They would say ‘420’ to each other as code for marijuana.”

There are even certain places known nationally where people gather together and smoke, such as San Francisco’s Sharon Meadows area in Golden Gate Park, also known as Hippie Hill. On April 20, you can literally see clouds of smoke and hear music playing while they’re at the park. 

Smoking weed is not all puff and pass.

There are potential dangers in lighting up, including laced marijuana that includes other dangerous substances such as PCP or fentanyl. 

“Marijuana laced with PCP causes a wide range of symptoms including severe hallucinations, impaired coordination, slurred speech, aggressive or violent behavior, disorientation, paranoia and seizures. If too much is smoked, the person can fall into a coma and die,” according to 12 Keys, a rehab-therapy program focused on addiction.

Fentanyl is not just a danger for marijuana smokers. It can cause major damage.

“Fentanyl-laced marijuana is especially dangerous because it enters the brain faster than typical medical applications via a patch or lozenge. Clammy skin slowed heartbeat, seizures, and severe drowsiness are all signs of a fentanyl overdose. If you suspect that someone has accidentally smoked fentanyl-laced marijuana, get them to a hospital immediately. Too much fentanyl can actually stop the heart and brain functions, and it’s easy to overdose on it when it’s mixed with marijuana.”

What are some steps that you should take when it comes to smoking safely on 4/20? 

First off, safety is important, particularly when fentanyl contamination is a consideration.

Buy your marijuana from a legal cannabis dispensary. You can also buy from someone you know and trust, but know that it’s never a guarantee an independent supplier meets the same health and safety regulations as a regulated seller. I personally go to a trusted dispensary to purchase my marijuana because I know that it’s safer to purchase from there. 

Also smoke with people that you know and trust and if your friends buy the weed make sure that they know the person. 4/20 is not a date to be making friends with people who may not be friends.

Most importantly: Think safety when you toke.