County Pride Center offers gender-affirming garments


For transgender, nonbinary, and gender-diverse individuals, having access to gender-affirming garments is an important necessity. These garments can provide relief, security and safety to those who need them.

These garments can often be considered life-changing and life-saving care to many individuals. It can also be considered a part of gender-affirming care. 

“Gender-affirming care, sometimes referred to as transition-related care, is life-saving healthcare for transgender people of all ages,” notes the Human Rights Campaign. “It is not a single category of services but instead is a range of services, including mental health care, medical care, and social services.”

The San Joaquin Pride Center launched its gender-affirming garment program in February.

“The gender-affirming garment program is a program meant to provide transgender, nonbinary, gender-nonconforming, and other gender-diverse individuals with affirming garments that are safe and reliable. These garments include chest binders, breast forms, packers, and tucking underwear,” said James Patnaude, San Joaquin Pride Center’s Transgender Service Specialist and creator of the program. 

Patnaude defines chest binders, tucking underwear, packers, and breast forms as the following: 

  • Chest binders are garments that are intended to compress breast tissue (called ‘binding’) in order to create a flatter, more masculine appearance.
  • Gaffs or Tucking Underwear are garments meant to help minimize the appearance of a crotch bulge (called ‘tucking’) and can help transfeminine women or anyone with a penis who is looking to achieve a smoother, more affirming appearance of their pelvic area.  
  • Packers are a prosthetic or other object placed inside someone’s pants to create a bulge and achieve the look and feel of having a penis.
  • Breast Forms are prosthetic breasts that some transfeminine and gender non-conforming folks choose to wear underneath their day-to-day clothing.

“Having access to safe and affirming garments is incredibly important to assist a trans or gender-diverse individual with aligning their body with their gender identity. Having safe garments such as chest binders and tucking underwear not only promotes better mental well-being in our Trans and Gender-Diverse community, it also helps prevent physical injuries,” said Patnaude. 

Often when individuals don’t have access to gender-affirming garments, they may use other products that aren’t intended for this use, which can have adverse effects. 

“Because these garments can be expensive and therefore inaccessible to many with lower incomes, some trans individuals will resort to using duct tape, ace wrap, or even glue to tuck or bind, which can cause serious injuries to their skin, ribs, lungs, and genitals that can sometimes be permanent,” said Patnaude.

Individuals of all ages may apply to the gender-affirming garment program to receive garments, but how they may apply does differ by age. All applicants must live in the Central Valley. For those 13 and under, a parent or guardian must apply for you. Those 14-18 may apply on their own. Those over 18 may apply if they experience financial hardship, are unable to afford a garment, or cannot obtain a garment themselves. 

For those wanting to donate to the program, monetary donations are accepted via PayPal. Check or cash donations may be dropped off in person or mailed to the San Joaquin Pride Center.

The San Joaquin Pride Center is located at 937 N. Yosemite St.,
Stockton, 95203. Its Facebook page is

For more information on the gender-affirming program or to ap-
ply, visit

Donations to the Pride Center are accepted through PayPal at