Delta publishes results of spring Campus Climate Survey


During an Aug. 17 inservice session, a high-level overview of the Campus Climate Survey was given to Delta College staff. A full report is now available on the college website.

The campus-wide survey, conducted in the Spring 2023 semester, was taken on the overall view and opinions regarding wellness, inclusion, health, and safety of Delta’s population.

Of those surveyed, 1,580 were students.

“Of the student group, the largest proportions of respondents were women (65%), straight/heterosexual (68%), Hispanic/Latinx (46%), and 18-20 years old (45%),” the survey reads.

Of the students surveyed, 30 percent had concerns about transportation, 22 percent were concerned with access to adequate food, and 20 percent expressed concern with stable housing.

“10% of students indicated concerns about their access to child/dependent care, and 4% indicated concerns about having a computer,” reads the survey.

When polled about issues regarding health, the climate survey states : “Nearly half of students (46%) expressed concerns about their mental health, 55% of whom also noted difficulty sharing such mental health concerns with people close to them.”

Delta College employees also answered survey questions, 527 in total.

“Of the employee group, the largest proportion of respondents were women (62%), straight/heterosexual (82%), White (53%), and over 50 years old (42%),” states the survey.

Ten percent  of employee respondents expressed concerns about childcare.

Nine percent  expressed concerns about housing stability. Issues with transportation and food accessibility were at 8 percent and 6 percent.

Most employees find campus meets basic needs, but work life balance was also noted as an issue.
The survey states that among those polled, both students and employees expressed concerns with physical safety.

Survey takers are noted as making the following suggestions: “Increase lighting and install blue emergency alert systems in the stairwells and dark spaces around campus to support greater feelings of safety and security. Install security cameras around campus,” the document reads.

The survey also notes other recommendations for the college to consider, including:

  • Development of a plan to “consider, prioritize, and implement student and employee suggestions”
  • Working “collaboratively with Delta College’s Campus Police (DCCPD) to establish and maintain a community-oriented approach to safety”
  • Facilitating “healthy habits and boundaries for work/life balance for students and employees”
  • Actualizing “strategies rooted in diversity, equity, and inclusion in an effort to enhance and improve the Delta experience for students and employees”

The fourth recommendation includes “building and offering employee courses and professional development on sexual harassment, cultural sensitivity, bias, microaggressions, and discrimination” in addition to “community-building endeavors.”

The 104-page report is on the Institutional Research & Effectiveness area of the website, under “Reports and Resources” at