Isleton earthquake shakes Delta


No damage reported after Wednesday’s 4.2 magnitude temblor

On Oct. 18 at 9:29 a.m., an earthquake with a 4.2 magnitude with an 8.5 km depth struck near Isleton and was felt throughout regions such as Sacramento and cities in the San Francisco Bay Area according to the United States Geological Survey.

Students and faculty on campus were sent a ShakeAlert, which is an early warning system that activated before the earthquake began.

“No building damage was reported to maintenance/operations department or to the District Police,” Chief of the San Joaquin Delta Community College District Police Robert Di Piero said via email.

In the event of a damaging quake, the ShakeOut website provides some guidance on what to do. ShakeOut covers the importance of being safe from earthquakes and sends practice runs to schools across the state.

If some coverage such as a table or desk is nearby during an earthquake, drop onto your hands and knees, cover your head and neck with one arm and head while under the table. Remember to also hold onto your shelter if the earthquake starts to move your coverage away from you and keep one hand over your neck and head. If you can’t find overage drop next to a wall away from windows and cover yourself the same way as above.

According to the District Police web page on the Delta College website, there are seven steps to earthquake safety for College students:


Step 1: Identify hazards and secure your space. Remember to move heavy items to lower shelves with dorm beds strapped together.

Step 2: Plan ahead, and talk to your family in advance about contacting each other in case of an emergency. 

Step 3: Make a disaster supply kit ready to go in case of an emergency. Some things to keep in this kit are medications, a first aid kit, bottled water, cash and flashlights.

Step 4: Get insurance for your property, keep important documents all together and make sure your home or building doesn’t fall down during an earthquake.


Step 5: drop, cover and hold on as discussed above

Step 6: When the shaking stops help injured individuals and prepare for aftershocks


Step 7: Reconnect with others and restore the community from damage

For more information about the seven steps you can visit the District Police Web page, the Rave Guardian App under safety resources and look at the yellow emergency binders located in every classroom on campus.