Editor gives clear instructions on proper mens’ bathroom etiquette on campus

Okay guys, its time to have a man-to-man talk. Scratch that, its time to get real. There have always been unspoken golden rules of the restroom. These...

Popular song sends innapropriate messages to listeners

Almost everyone has heard Beyonce’s new song featuring Jay-Z called “Drunk in Love.” By now, you are probably sick of it. According to the Billboard...

Two Little Lines: Mood swings inconvenient, but can be used to advantage

Heidi Sharp, 22, is a part-time Delta College student and part-time barista. She married her high school sweetheart, Wesley, in 2012. The same year,...

Bathrooms in Calif. made unisex

Due to a new law known as AB1266 passed by Gov. Jerry Brown last August, transgender students in public schools are now allowed to...

Battle for breathing room

Pro Delta College’s Board of Trustees recently passed an ordinance that strengthens the no-smoking policy on campus. According to the Delta College Police website, AP/BP 3570...

Two Little Lines: Online classes offer benefits to pregnant students

Heidi Sharp, 22, is a part-time Delta College student and part-time barista at your favorite coffee shop. She married her high school sweetheart, Wesley,...

Aid cuts reignite minimum wage debate

Last November, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as the food stamp program, was cut by $5 billion, according to a Huffington...

Writer urges ‘morons’ to slow down in campus parking lots

Listen up Delta College staff and students driving motorized vehicles to campus: It’s time to review the Department of Motor Vehicles handbook again. If...

Service workers deserve your kindness this season

Being in the food and hospitality business and knowing a bit about customer service, holidays — Thanksgiving and Christmas in particular — can turn...

Flights will become more entertaining

When you are at an airport usually you will find passengers upset with their airline carrier because they are forced to disconnect from their...

Knockout Game is more assault, less game

At first there were games like hand ball, tether ball and four square. Then came aggressive games like “wall ball,” “bloody knuckles” and “quarters,” that...

Fast and the Furious star Paul Walker may live on through films

Film fans worldwide were stunned when “Fast and the Furious” star Paul Walker died in a car crash in a moment of cruel irony. Walker...

First holidays for foreign exchange student

Eating copious amounts of turkey. The scent of delicious, homemade confections. Waking up at 2 a.m. for the best Black Friday deals the day...

Losing the holiday spirit: Take the commercialism out of the season

When we think of holidays we usually think of times that we spend with family and friends enjoying food and much needed quality time...

Bullying necessitates harsher punishments

Bullying is a big problem. Recent suicides sparked by bullying, such as the case of 12-year old Rebecca Sewick from Florida, have brought this important...

An arbitrarily de-charged word

In today’s society many people use a word that African Americans take offense to. Yet, we hear this word nearly everywhere, in sports, in music...

NSA has gone too far

The National Security Agency (NSA) was formed Nov. 4, 1952 by former President Harry Truman. Beginning first and foremost to help intercept German and Japanese...

Bathrooms still mystify students: Embarrassment increases

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Police sketch absurdity raises questions

Every once in a while, something you see on campus makes you question what people were thinking when they made certain decisions. If you haven’t...

Nothing’s better than a home-cooked meal

More than 50 million Americans are being served over the counter on a daily basis. Forty-four percent of Americans claim to eat fast food at...
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