NSA has gone too far


The National Security Agency (NSA) was formed Nov. 4, 1952 by former President Harry Truman.

Beginning first and foremost to help intercept German and Japanese codes during World War II and threats of the German U-Boat, the agency was formed to help prevent detrimental events from occurring in the United States.

But what is the government aiming for today?

Americans have become alarmed with the spur of events recently brought to light by former Central Intelligence Agency Technical Assistant and NSA Agent Edward Snowden.

Snowden, now known as a whistleblower, released top-secret documents from the NSA.

This has since brought new revelations of NSA surveillance infringing on numerous countries, corporation and Americans.

Do we, as a society, feel a piece of our privacy has been ripped away?
The Electronic Communications Privacy Act allows the IRS and individuals to read communications from any source they get without a warrant.

The government and Congress are in talks to reform the bill, and make it so that individuals are aware of document readings by warrant.

We should reform the ECPA to disclose warrants when our electronic data is read.

Snowden came forth, and said in The Guardian newspaper: “I understand that I will be made to suffer for my actions,”but “I will be satisfied if the federation of secret law, unequal pardon and irresistible executive powers that rule the world that I love are revealed even for an instant.”

He had the choice to remain anonymous, as whistleblowers are allowed by law, but instead decided to hide was the wrong route to take.

He wanted the United States to know an organization we help fund is invading our privacy, and invading multiple countries and corporations.

In my eyes the NSA has gone too far with their power. Surveillance rules and laws were violated.

A  civil liberty lawsuit is underway, questioning the constitutionality of obtaining phone records. Government and congress emphasize the importance of obtaining these phone records to prevent terrorism.

There are multiple lawsuits uprising against the NSA from multiple countries, organizations and individuals. The NSA is under siege.

The question I pose to the NSA is: How far is too far when it comes to the abuse of power and protecting our privacy?