
Letter to the editor: Problems with financial aid

As a freshman here at Delta College, I am saddened to say I’ve had a horrible experience with the financial aid services here. The financial...

Editorial: Counseling appointments not easy to get

Time is money, or so the saying goes. If that’s the case, then San Joaquin Delta College’s counseling center seems to know how to waste...

Dream Act a California taxpayer’s nightmare

A dream is a “strongly desired goal or purpose,” according to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary. As a student, I have many dreams; one is being able to...

Editorial: Safety on campus starts with self-awareness

Despite two very noticeable crimes on campus in the past year and a half — the Koi fish incident and the bookstore robbery —...

Author urges knowledge and understanding of Atheism before fear, misconception

I am an atheist, but not just any non-believer. I put my faith into science and dedicate my heart to rationality. In order for me...

Paper or plastic? How about an option for both?

Here at San Joaquin Delta College students usually only have one choice when it comes to paying for their on campus purchases — paper. More...

Editorial: Fed up with a system that’s not working

Classes are impacted, more are being cut every semester and students are adding courses at random hoping to get their hands on anything they...

Obama jobs bill causes controversy

On Sept. 8 President Barack Obama gave a speech about a plan called the American Jobs Act. The American Jobs Act is a bill that...

The 10 Percent: Tackling a taboo subject in sports

Editor’s note: Brian Ratto, 27, is a Manteca native living in Stockton. He’s also a gay man. Ratto came out more than a decade...

Editorial: Is the ASBG looking after our interests?

The Associated Student Body Government (ASBG) have been faced with a flurry of problems in the recent semesters stemming from a revolving door of...

Libyans take back control

For the first time in 42 years Libyans have cause for celebration. Not only did Aug. 31 mark the end of the Muslim fasting month...

The 10 Percent: New law mandates changes in social studies

Editor’s note: Brian Ratto, 27, is a Manteca native living in Stockton. He’s also a gay man. Ratto came out more than a decade...

Your Voice: The Collegian asks “What is your reaction to Osama bin Laden’s Death?”

On May 1, Osama bin Laden was killed in a mission by United States Navy Seals. The Collegian asked the students of San Joaquin Delta College what they thought about the death of the Sept. 11, 2011 mastermind.

Nation finds solace in ‘new reality’ without bin Laden

I sat glaring aimlessly over my sixth grade U.S. history text, not knowing the news in the following minutes would crumble the infrastructure of our national security. Word spread. Teachers hurried from one classroom to the next announcing what had taken place, enveloping the school in chaos unmatched by anything I’ve yet to experience. A reality so frightening, so hellish for all, let alone a child, was confirmed by one single word — terror.

Editorial: Softball easily steals No. 1 ranking

Who say’s girl can’t play ball?

LETTER: Campus should take pride in Men in Black Conference

Editor: I want to thank Gwendolyn Primous, president of San Joaquin Delta College Black Student Union, and Sister Diana Murphy, for both, inviting me, and...

Editorial: Crisis leaves Delta at crossroads

To say the future of Delta College is at a crossroads is, well, an understatement. Questions remain unanswered both locally and state-wide regarding the budget issues which in turn determine what we do and don’t have in the semesters to come.

Libyans look for ‘road map to peace’

The uprising in Libya began nearly two months ago and not much has changed. The only difference is foreign intervention, which leader Moammar Gadhafi supporters strongly oppose.

Tights a fashion accessory, not pants

There are many fashion trends that can be classified as odd or even inappropriate. Wearing tights ­-a thin, form-fitting garment- as if they were pants falls into both categories.

Editorial: Mourning a fallen comrade

The ink of a fallen newspaper will be on the hands of the Yosemite Community College District Board of Trustees. In a 7-0 vote, the Board of Trustees agreed that the best way to satisfy the budget at Modesto Junior College was to cut whole programs.

