Editorial: Miserable? Seriously?
For the second time in three years Forbes Magazine has named Stockton the most miserable city in America.
The unscientific study gives Stocktonians something to...
Editorial: Issues with e-learning
The rising costs of class materials has caused major inconveniences for San Joaquin Delta College students, particularly in this tough economic climate.
Writer connects with Kinect despite initial suspicions
The new Kinect system for the Xbox 360 was suspect at first.
There were rumors of third-party developers, such as Netflix, being able to watch users while they used the software. The interactive menus seemed very bulky and well... ugly.
Upon further review, and actual use of Kinect, I see that Microsoft's first foray into motion gaming is a success.
Editorial: Delta’s issue with smokers
As if construction wasn't enough to cloud our vicinity with dust balls and ear wrenching sounds, smokers on campus have unofficially expanded their territory.
Editor’s debate: Show and tell
Fundamentally I don't think there is anything wrong with a college newspaper running a story on a student that works as an exotic dancer.
Editor’s Debate: DMV driving test
Twenty-five states currently have laws stating English is their official state language. Some would say that it’s a matter of common sense; you must...