Tag: san joaquin delta college

Unlocking creativity through movement

For Aliza Paulino, dance is an outlet not just for creativity but for stress relief. “Dance is definitely a great outlet to with all like...

Beach volleyball picks up three wins  

Delta’s beach volleyball team went head to head against Cosumnes River College and Folsom Lake College on April 12. They won 3 games to...

Students feel impact of parking lot potholes

If you are someone who has ever parked or been dropped off in the Shima 1 parking lot, chances are you have either accidently...

Law requires available menstrual products

For those who menstruate, the cost and availability of menstrual products should never impact an individual’s health or be a barrier to their educational...

Softball hits it out of the park against Diablo Valley

On March 19, Delta Softball went up against the Diablo Valley Vikings for the first time this season.  The game was a landslide, resulting in...

SC Stockton announced first USL W Expansion club in California

Another sports franchise sets foot in Stockton as the United Soccer League’s Women’s League (USL W) announced SC Stockton as the first expansion team...

Star Mustangs Payne and Jones forge friendship through basketball at Delta

Delta’s women’s basketball team had a season to remember after placing runner-up at the CCCAA State Championship tournament, but sophomores Donja Payne and Alicia...

Why walk when you can dance?

Did you know dance is the only thing that spontaneously activates the neurons in your brain? Or that dancers are known to be disciplined, focused...

Wonders in clay: Horton Gallery opens first show of school year

Aug. 25 marked the beginning of the 2016-2017 exhibition season at the L.H. Horton Jr. Gallery. The Horton Gallery is a visual arts exhibition program...

ASDC food bank looking for new student distributers

On Sept. 9, the Associated Students of Delta College (ASDC) will host a training event for those who would like to participate in distributing...

City council, supervisor candidates voice positions

There’s more to elections than selecting the next president of the United States. Local city council and county supervisor elections will impact individuals far more...

College students simulate senate debate

University of the Pacific hosted a mock debate featuring local forensics students Monday, April 26 at the Janet Leigh Theatre just before the U.S....

Local coffee house offers students late-nights study spot

With the semester quickly coming to an end, do you have somewhere to sit down and hit the books? Delta College students are getting ready...

Mustang Voice: ‘What do you want from your commencement speaker...

"Academically accepted, well rounded person who participated in campus and off campus activities such as sports, and club a confident person who is enthusiastic...

MUSTANG VOICE: “How to stay with schoool post spring break?

"I’m have time for reflection to focus on what I need to do and start to like care about getting a job and try...

Softball starts season strong

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Coach in spotlight after incident in off-campus job

In August, Edison High School Physical Education teacher Denny Peterson was caught on cell phone video attempting to drag 14-year old student into the...

Water polo teams prepare for season

Coming from high school to play college sports may sound easy, but it’s not. A great example is the Delta College men and women water...

Surfer bums, babes and beatniks part of campus Shakespeare aesthetic overhaul

A Shakespeare production begins today at Delta College, with the debut of “As You Like It.” Shakespeare’s works have lasted throughout the centuries thanks to...

Clubs focusing on members

At around 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, tables started going up at the center of Delta College in the quad, signaling the beginning of Club Rush week. Each semester Delta College hosts Club Rush week, a gathering of about thirty clubs looking for new members. This semester Club Rush took place during Sept. 4-7.
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